Friday, November 4, 2011


Too free, so decided to make another bag.

This book did not give any instructions, just the measurements. Using my previous "experience", I managed to complete it with just 1 day.What an improvement.....!!!! But sad to say, I am not very satisfied. Maybe its the cloth, do not feel good..... Might do some modification on it....

Next project is to finish making 2 blankets - for Janice & myself....

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

给Tong 的一个包包

Finally finished a bag for Tong, as promised.

Second time making this bag, I had a better understanding of the step provided in the instruction guide. With Janice's feedback, I decided to make this slightly bigger.... to put in more things.

Friday, September 23, 2011


This morning managed to start on the bag I promised Janice.

This bag does not seems to be as satisfactory as the previous one. Maybe it's the cloth? Or the color combination? Don't know. Shall try another one next week, before I return the library book.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This is the first bag I sewed. Took me almost five hours to finished it. Though it did not look "professionally done", I was really proud of myself. Had not had proper sewing training (except the home economics lesson in secondary school), but I still managed to complete it (with a satisfied smile). In fact I feel most credit should be given to the cloth. Its the texture of the cloth that makes it outstanding.

Still have not started on the blankets for Janice & myself. But I am still interested in sewing bags. Have another bag design in mind. Might try it out, maybe tomorrow...???

Friday, September 16, 2011

First project : Sewing a blanket

Since I am free, decided to sew a blanket for each of us.

Anthony had been instigating me to buy a sewing machine. Don't why. Anyway, he bought me one - cost about $200+. Initially I had sewn a pencil case for Janice using sewing machine borrowed from my mother. So this time round I tried my hand on tote bag, following closely the instructions on the book, and it was successful.

Getting bolder, I went to Spotlight to buy cloth - cost me $200. Means no matter what, die die also must sew the blankets. With no instructions to follow, it took my one week to figure out the "correct" way of getting all the pieces into place.

So, below is the 1st blanket done!!! 2 more to go.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Aunty Angie is coming.....

The long wait is almost coming to an end.... Janice's most favourite Aunty Angie is coming to town this Sunday.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kampong Glam

Janice and her classmates went to Kampong Glam after school. As usual, Janice volunteered me to go with the class. Being a "good" mummy, I of course gladly accepted the "offer". At the same time, it was a chance for me to know some of her classmates.

Comparing to Janice's last year class, I find that this class is better behaved than the previous class. This means that the lesson time will not be as disruptive, and that proper lessons can be conducted.

Interestingly, I found that I had never even set foot into Kampong Galm before, even though I had been to Beach Road so many times. This trip is really an eye opening for me.