Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One week break in October - Janice doing housework

During the one week PSLE Marking week's break, Janice is so bored that she decided to help me with my housework. She has been an expert with helping me mop the floor, and she enjoys it very much.

One of the day, I got her to make dumplings all by herself. She was so eager to show daddy. Unfortunately, daddy worked late that night. So did not manage to taste her efforts.

Feel that my Princess has indeed grow up. Now she is even volunteering to do the dishes for me. Really appreciate that my Princess is getting more sensible...... but at times kids will still be kids.....hmmmm

Friday, September 11, 2009

Take Time

Something meaningful I read today.....

Take Time
Take time to think, it is the source of power.
Take time to play, it is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to read, it is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to love and to be loved, it is a God-given priviledge.
Take time to laugh, it is the road to happiness.
Take time to give, it is too short a day to be selfish.
Take time to enjoy your family, they are the jewels of your life.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jacob Ballas Children Garden on 9 Aug 09

Last minute decision to bring the kids to Jacob Ballas Children Garden on Sunday. The kids enjoyed themselves very much.

Next destination might be the Tree Top Walk.... heard its a 3-4 hours walk to the Tree Top. Is it true?

Friday, August 7, 2009

2009 NDP Celebration in School

Janice celebrated 2009 NDP in school with a Sports Carnival. She was eagerly looking forward to this event, because last year her team managed to win a trophy in one of the event. She was also very happy that this year I could join her in school. This year, Janice is in the floor ball game. She had been telling me about the practice she had in school during PE lessons.
The only two shots I managed to capture with the camera.

At the end of the game, I praised her for her good effort in the game and consoled her that its just a game, win or not wining its ok. But she seems cleraly disappointed and kept blaming one of her classmate for causing them to lost the game. I reminded her that a few days ago, there was something on TV that says... "winning the game is not important... the most important thing is that everyone had fun in the game...." Suddenly it strike her.... and thus she stopped blaming him..... Come to think of it.... TV does have its benefit sometimes.

During resting time, I came across an episode with one of the mother (lets call her mother B). Mother B was talking to Janice and asking whether she is Student Z, asking her why she called her son stupid. Janice of course denied she is student Z and further told Mother B that her son has been calling everyone in class idiot, stupid, etc..... In this situation, what should a mother respond?

Later, Janice told me the whole story. It goes like this.... Student B took Student's Z's pencil and kept it in his bag. Upon finding out, Student Z called Student B stupid. And Mother B was there to confront Student Z , unfortunately she was not there, and Mother B even go on to tell the other students present that its not right to call people stupid. I asked Janice about her opinion. Being still too young to understand, she only told me its wrong to "steal" think and call people stupid or idiot. The first thing I told her is that : Yes, its rude to call people stupid. But when other call you stupid, you must have done something to make that person make such a remark". Am I right to say this? Any comment? Furthermore, its not right of her to say that Student B steal thing, 'cos she did not witness the whole event. So its not right to judge a person by merely hear-say. But the most important point that I was thinking was "why Mother B did not react when someone told her that Student B go round scolding others stupid and idiot, instead she is only interested in find Student Z whom called her son stupid?" This way of standing up for her son is right or wrong? Can anyone enlighten me?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No CCA again

Janice missed her CCA (swimming) today... reason is she was down with fever, cough & sore throat last friday... thus was given an MC for it. In fact she was on MC on Monday. Last night she told me that 11 of her classmates were on MC on Monday, 10 still on MC on Tuesday!!! Guess the virus in her class is really serious, causing so many kids to fall sick at one time. Luckily Janice recovered fast enough. She was also worried that if she do not recover from her cough, her Little Red Ridding Hood role will be given to her classmate - Ying Jie. She had been putting a lot of efforts into this role, so she definitely do not want to let it go. Hope that she can keep her role and recover soon for the performance to be successful.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Busy Week for Janice

This was a busy week for Janice.... swimming (finally) on Wed, ENABLE class on Thur and Tuition class on Fri. Plus a Math Assessment Test this week. She really need a break this weekend. To my surprise, she had been extremely cooperative, though she still complains. Think she finally decided that things still needs to be done every week. No amount of complaining is going to do her any good.

Had stopped her Chinese classes with Han Language. Not that there is anything I don't like there, its just that they could not start a Creative Writing Class, although I had been waiting patiently waiting for months. So Ryan mummy recommended me this Creative writing class in Kovan, I immediately just at the chance. So as not to burden Janice with too many extra classes, we reached an agreement to stop Han Language and go for the new one. Hopefully this is a wise move.

Last night, Janice was telling me her concert day will be next week. As usual when I asked her for more details, she cannot give me any. This is very typical of my Princess. Sigh.... when will she ever be able to give me more details? As for the Math Assessment test, asked her what is tested, she will say "I dunno".... grrrrr..... this is just so Janice..... forever bo chap.... that's why she is not the competitive sort of person - just like her daddy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No CCA (swimming) today?

Due to the morning showers, Janice's CCA - swimming is cancel again. Sigh... she has been waiting patiently for this day to come. Due to H1N1, the CCA has been cancelled for the past 3 weeks. Unfortunately, due to the heavy downpour this morning, its cancelled again!!!

I find it funny that the teachers' do not have an agreement on what happens if it rains... to keep the kids in school for other activities or let the parents bring them home. One said "its up to you, if you want you can bring them home", the other one says "no, should keep them in the hall for other activities". So? Parents start bring their kids home, although they had braved the heavy rain to go to school (and braved the heave rain going home).

I gave Janice a choice. Being the usual playful princess, she choose to stay in school. On second thought, seeing that she was drenched on the way to school, I better bring her home for a hot bath before she catch a cold. Of course she protested. Being the caring and domineering mummy, my decision is final.

In fact she realized that going home is not that bad afterall ..... 'cos I let her watch My Classmate Dad which was recorded last night.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Smart Discipline

Just finish reading the book called Smart Discipline by Larry J. Koenig. A very enlightening theory on ways to handle kids without putting their self esteem at stake. It teaches parents to set up a smart discipline chart that let kids determine how many of their privileges to be taken away. It motivates kids to follow the rules, hence responsible for their own behaviors. There are entertaining examples too.

Another theory he talk about is instilling positive belief through Belief Process

  • Communicate positive things to children one-to-one. Anytime of the day is fine, but just before bed is especially good. As he goes to sleep, he will be repeating your words over and over again in his mind. When he wakes your words will again come to mind and he will look forward to acting out the positive quality that day.
  • Speak about it to someone else within his earshot. When he hears information about himself, he will absorb it like sponges and immediately internalized it and accept it as true and act in ways to offer further evidence to its validity.
  • You wait until your child has gone to bed, then take out a pencil and paper and write down what he had done good/well. Tape the note where he is going to find it the first thing in the morning.
There are also things like Mistakes Parents Make, Homework Problems.

If anyone have the time, just swing by the library to grab this interesting & entertaining book. You will be able to finish it within a day....

Monday, July 20, 2009

A very cooperative Princess

For the past 1 week, Janice had been super cooperative. Of course I am happy and very tempted to end her 2 weeks no-TV punishment. On second thought, if I am to terminate it, wouldn't this give her the impression that so long I behave, all the punishment will be waived. Hence I persisted. Anyway we found a new hobby - Chinese chess....

We managed to get daddy to teach both of us the basic steps of playing the chess. Once Janice is done with her school work, we will quickly set the chess table to have a "battle". Maybe both of us are still new to the game, we always ended up asking Daddy for help.... 'cos we don't know where/what to move... Daddy will help both side to "kill" each other. In the end, its always a tie...

One more week of no-TV for Janice....

Monday, July 13, 2009

12 July ALL DONE

My Sales Galore is all ready.. after 2 nights of updates and amendments to the website, I am proud to announce that its now ready. Told the good news to all my sisters, but they are not as excited as me. Like what they said "We are not IT savvy... not really interested!!" Sign.... pour cold water on me... Nevermind...I have a sense of achievement... for someone who don't even know how to read html to someone who is able to create a web page .... Good work done!!!

Now is to decide on my products and .... start promoting products....??

Friday, July 10, 2009

9 July - Final Victory

I finally succeed in uploading nice blog template. But the one I chose was on private blog, so cannot download it. So sad. Anyway, I finally managed to find more pretty ones that I might use for my blog. So look out for this space..... more to come. At the moment still trying to customized them so that most of my links can still be used in the new template.

At the same time, I am setting up a Sales Gallery to try to advertise my products. Once I finalized the blog, will inform everyone..... wish me luck....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

8 July - Blog Skin Testing

Been testing on gettin new blog skin for my blog... but not successful... sigh... There are a lot of website telling you different ways of uploading, but still not successful. Anyone out there can give me some advise on this?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7th July 2009

As usual, I am busy with setting up my new blog and exploring ways to earn extra income from the internet. Still have a lot to explore.
Janice came back from school this evening, feeling excited.... she will be in the class performance as the Little Red Ridding Hood.... So tonight we were rehearsing for her part.... she also went on and on about the other casts, the costumes, and stage decor. She is looking forward to her performance next term.

Monday, July 6, 2009

1st Timer

This is my 1st attempt on creating a blog....
Been trying to read up on Web Design... but boring leh