Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Smart Discipline

Just finish reading the book called Smart Discipline by Larry J. Koenig. A very enlightening theory on ways to handle kids without putting their self esteem at stake. It teaches parents to set up a smart discipline chart that let kids determine how many of their privileges to be taken away. It motivates kids to follow the rules, hence responsible for their own behaviors. There are entertaining examples too.

Another theory he talk about is instilling positive belief through Belief Process

  • Communicate positive things to children one-to-one. Anytime of the day is fine, but just before bed is especially good. As he goes to sleep, he will be repeating your words over and over again in his mind. When he wakes your words will again come to mind and he will look forward to acting out the positive quality that day.
  • Speak about it to someone else within his earshot. When he hears information about himself, he will absorb it like sponges and immediately internalized it and accept it as true and act in ways to offer further evidence to its validity.
  • You wait until your child has gone to bed, then take out a pencil and paper and write down what he had done good/well. Tape the note where he is going to find it the first thing in the morning.
There are also things like Mistakes Parents Make, Homework Problems.

If anyone have the time, just swing by the library to grab this interesting & entertaining book. You will be able to finish it within a day....


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